Mission & Ministry Impact
Mission & Ministry Impact (MMI) is a program of Daughters of Charity Ministries, Inc. MMI's primary purpose is to further the mission of the Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise by providing financial assistance and grantee support to charitable works in an effort to create a lasting impact in the communities it supports.
Daughters of Charity Ministries, Inc. (DCM) is the operating entity for the Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise.
Daughters of Charity
The Daughters of Charity are a community of women who devote their lives to serving people living in poverty. They live a life of humility and simplicity dedicated to charity. Today, there are over 14,000 Daughters of Charity living and working in more than 90 countries throughout the world. For more information about the Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise, please visit their website.
All MMI responsive grant proposals must be endorsed by a Daughter of Charity.
Province of St. Louise
In 2011, the Daughters of Charity established the Province of St. Louise, bringing together the West Central, East Central, Southeast, and Northeast Provinces of the United States. Joining one another to achieve a shared mission has allowed communities to collaborate more easily and address important issues collectively for greater impact.
MMI funding is only available to organizations operating within the Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise.
MMI Committee
The MMI Committee is made up of men and women, lay and religious, charged with expressing the strategic development of MMI and overseeing its implementation through the operations of its programs.
MMI Staff
The MMI Staff (Director, Senior Grants Manager, and Grant Operations Manager) provides operating support to MMI and the MMI Committee.